If the update check fails, you can also visit the MKT website
and download installer from there.
Falls der Update-Test fehlschlägt, besuchen Sie die MKT-Website
um den Installer von dort herunterzuladen.
Recent Changes / Letzte Änderungen
2017-10-19 ("Work in progress !")
Added support for logged script variables with type 'double' (64-bit float)
Added support for a more compact storage of logged script variables, as used
by any firmware compiled 2017-10-19 or later.
Fixed a bug in the display of the calendar date in ISO8601 format
Fixed a problem with 'slighly negative timestamp differences', which were caused
by the CAN receive FIFO, when mixing logged CAN traffic with logged script variables.
Added a workaround for files recorded by a logger with exhausted backup battery:
If date and time from the RTC (real time clock) isn't plausible,
the logfile converter will use date and time from the GPS receiver instead.
Filename extension for the export of GPS tracks
changed from *.NMA to *.NMEA,
because a well-known map generating software won't load *.NMA, only *.NMEA .
Values from 'logged expressions' or logged script variabes may appear as
'invalid' in the output file, similar as CAN signals which have not been received yet
since the recording was started
To prevent the above from happening, the logfile converter has the
option 'skip data until all channels are valid' now.
Added the option to combine multiple logfiles (*.cld) into one output file in Vector ASCII format.
(other output formats don't support this option yet, but will... hopefully soon)
Modified the 'Vector-ASCII-compatible' logfile format again,
after being informed about a problem with the date- and time format.
Implemented and documented support for the ETAS ASCII format (*.ascii, "ETASAsciiItemFile") .
Time channel modified in Vector MDF (*.DAT), now starts at zero at the begin of a measurement,
because the old (Unix-)timestamp caused problems in some post-processing software.
document #85118 about the CAN SNOOPER mode (error frame detection, record & playback,
'maximum period' detector for cyclic messages).
Modified the 'Vector-ASCII-compatible' logfile format: 29-bit CAN identifiers
are now marked with an 'x' suffix (to tell them from 11-bit CAN IDs
for Vector's CANoe(tm) ) .
Modified the Trigger Conditions for devices with 32-bit CPU.
If there is no STOP-condition defined at all,
the logger will use the complement of the START-conditon as STOP-condition.
Function "Check for Update" added in the CAN-Logger-Utility, too.