PDO Communication Parameter for Terminals with CANopen (V4)

(only for devices with CANopen V4, e.g. UPT128, UPT320, UPT800, MKT-View II/III 'CANopen', HBG-22, HBG-35; not for UPT515)

Screenshot PDO Communication Parameter Dialog

Sorry, we have not completely translated this document into English yet. Please try the german version, or ask the manufacturer for an update.

The dialog shown above can be used to modify the terminal's PDO-Communication-Parameter in the UPT programming tool.
It can be opened via double-click into the PDO Definition Table (rows titled 'CAN-ID', 'Transm.-Type', or 'TX-Cycle').
The values entered in this dialog will later be transferred into one of the following objects in the CANopen object dictionary:


This field is the equivalent of subindex 1 in the 'PDO Communication Parameter'. Details are in CANopen-Standard CiA 301. Here a short excerpt:
Bit(s) Value Description
(Bit 31)
PDO exists / is valid
PDO does not exist / is not valid
(Bit 30)
  do not care
(? - do not use !)
(Bit 29)
11-bit CAN-ID (CAN base frame)
29-bit CAN-ID (CAN extended frame)
(Bits 28..0 or 10..0)
  29- or 11-bit CAN-Identifier

As quite often with CANopen, some explanations in the Standard (CiA 301) are difficult to grasp. If you can afford to spend some time on the subject, you will find the details in CANopen "CiA 301" (formerly known as "DS 301", until the 'Draft Standard' turned into a 'Public Specification' after 17 years..).

Quoted from the description of a PDO communication parameter (from CiA 301 V4.2.0 on page 131):

The bit valid (bit 31) allows selecting which RPDOs are used in the NMT state Operational. There may be PDOs fully configured (e.g. by default) but not used, and therefore set to "not valid" (deleted). The feature is necessary for CANopen devices supporting more than 4 RPDOs, because each CANopen device has only default CAN-IDs for the first four RPDOs in the generic pre-defined connection set. CANopen devices supporting the CAN base frame type only an attempt to set bit 29 (frame) to 1b is responded with the SDO abort transfer service (abort code: 0609 0030h). It is not allowed to change bit 0 to 29 while the PDO exists and is valid (bit 31 = 0b). CANopen devices supporting the enabling (bit 31 = 0b) and disabling (bit 31 = 1b) of an RPDO only shall respond with the SDO abort transfer service (abort code: 0609 0030h or 0800 000h) on an attempt to change the values from bit 0 to bit 30.

PDO Transmission Type

Value Description
0 acyclic synchronous
1 cyclic synchronous (with every sync message)
2 cyclic synchronous (with every 2nd sync message)
3 cyclic synchronous (with every 3rd sync message, etc etc etc)
241...251 "reserved"
252 synchronous RTR only
253 asynchronous RTR only
254 asynchronous, "manufacturer specific"
255 asynchronous, "as defined in the device profile"
In CANopen parlance, for a TPDO (transmit PDO), 'asynchronous' means 'immediately'.
The manufacturer of the programmable terminal defines transmission type 254 ('asynchronous manufacturer specific') as follows:
PDO transmission type 254 :
For a TPDO, transmission may be cyclic (but not synchronous), controlled by the PDO event timer.
In addition, if certain objects are mapped into the PDO (like the keyboard matrix), the PDO is transmitted if the value of the mapped object was modified (by the application, or the user).
In addition, a TPDO's 'event flag' (which causes transmission if the PDO is event-driven) can be set via script command cop.SetPDOEvent .
PDO transmission type 255 :
Since there is (was?) no standardized device profile for 'user-programmable terminals' (like MKT's UPT), PDO transmission type 255 behaves the same way as type 254.

Links to more information (some are external links):

  The CANopen Object Dictionary inside the programmable display
  Script commands to access the display's own (internal) CANopen-OD
  Features of MKT's user programmable Terminals (UPTs) with "CANopen V4"
  PDO Mapping Dialog (to define the contents of the process data messages)

File: ..?..\uptwin1\help\pdocomdlg_01.htm
Author: W.Büscher, MKT Systemtechnik
Last modified: 2013-08-21 (ISO8601, YYYY-MM-DD)

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