System Indicator Icons

To indicate the state of certain functions in the terminal, the following "system icons" have been implemented in terminals with 32-bit CPU (like ARM7). Devices with a firmware older than 2008 do not have the functions described below !

Interpreter commands to control the system icons

To activate the display of system icons, use the interpreter command sys.show_icons(<selector>,<x1>,<y1>). The parameters in this command are:

Defines which of the system icons shall be displayed. For each icon, there is a bit in this integer value. The bitmasks are:
1 = show icon for the memory card activity
2 = show icon for the CAN logger
4 = show icon for the audio recorder
8 = show icon for the power supply status
16 = reserved for the CAN-bus status / activity indicator
Defines the graphic position of the indicator icons (pixel coordinates). When ommited, the icons will automatically appear in the lower right corner of the screen (similar to the status icons in the windows task bar, which shows the battery status, network activity, etc etc).

System Indicator Symbols

Memory Card

memory card "off"

memory card on, inserted, but not writing

memory card active (writing to disk)

memory card error (unsupported format / file system ?)

Note: If the device is equipped with a touch screen, tapping the memory card symbol turns the card power on/off, so you can safely remove the card without shutting the terminal down.

CAN Logger

CAN logger off (completely passive)

CAN logger pre-trigger state (waiting for trigger)

CAN logger triggered (writing to buffer or disk)

CAN logger post-trigger state (writing, or closing files)

Note: If the device is equipped with a touch screen, tapping the CAN logger symbol may take you to a special screen in the application, from where you can start/stop/trigger the logger. For this purpose, you can add an event handler in the display program which catches system icon events.

Audio Recorder ("sound recorder")

Sound recorder off (passive)

" recording wave-file

" playing wave-file

Note: If the device is equipped with a touch screen, tapping the audio recoder symbol opens a small control window for it.

Power supply status

Power "good" (input voltage sufficiently high, and capacitors in the UPS(*) charged)

Power "bad" (input voltage too low, or UPS capacitors not charged)

(*) UPS = Uninterruptable Power Supply, only available in MKT-View II since 09/2008 .